
Get a life

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“ROLFMAO learn to play newb.”
The raven haired boy sighed.
"You think he would've given up after two hours of trying that."
"I don't even really have to dodge. He just kind of misses."
He smirked.
“I know right?”
“Well you do the honor?”
By simply pressing the number 3 button on his keyboard the opponent was annihilated. They could both hear the scream coming from the other player.

“I’ll get you for this Kitsune and RedAdvenger! I’ll get yooooouu!!”
Sasuke rolled his eyes.
“49.” Came the reply from the other.
“I’ll- wait what?”
“No no, continue. Don’t mind me.”
“…Uh, a-and I’ll stop at nothing until I defeat you!”
“Okay what the hell.” The defeated gamer replied, “What is up with all the numbers?”
There then came a bubbly reply from the other teammate.
“It’s a little hobby of mine. I like to keep track of the number of times I’ve heard certain lines.”
The opponent was baffled. How the fuck dare he-!!
“Oh yeah!? Well…I’m… I’m gonna make you cry like a Mandrake!!”
And with that the other person logged off. The two boys were laughing their asses off.

“Oh wow, another Harry Potter reference.”
“I know right? Talk about so last year when the final movie came out.”
“On blue-ray.”
Their laughter soon died and there was silence.
“There is one down side to this whole ‘teaming up’ thing.”
“Hm? What’s that Kitsune?”
“No one can beat us.”
“And that’s bad caaause-?”
“It’s no fun if the games not challenging!” the other boy whined. “I wanna actually USE the damn power ups I blew my money on.”
The raven smirked.
“Wanna spar with me then?”
Even though he couldn’t see the other person he could somehow feel the smile through his headphone speakers.
“You think you can take me on?”
Sasuke snorted.
“Bitch Imma pown you.”
“Oh that’s it. Game on!”
And with that began fighting with one another.

It was weird. Sasuke never really thought of himself as a ‘geek’, a nerd maybe with his good grades, but a geek? When did that happen? I guess it was a few years ago when he noticed his brother playing online games. Wanting nothing more than to beat his brother in every possible avenue he could get he decided to try it as well. It was kinda stressful at first. The games didn’t come with a rulebook, he was by himself to begin with, and since he was new everybody kept beating the ever living shit out of him. He was seriously about to quit- until he showed up. Kitsune. Unlike the other goddamn pricks out there, he actually helped Sasuke out. Taught him how to play, gave him cheats and not too long afterwards went on missions together. Ever since then the two of them formed an unbreakable online friendship and were the unstoppable masters of the online gamming world! …Except when Itachi came out of fucking no where with his Akatsuki gang and whoop their asses just for kicks… Sasuke swore one day he was gonna kill him, in the game of course.

“Game on? Geez, what are you? Jaden from Yu-gi-oh GX?”
He could hear the other boy growl at him.
“Teme, don’t you dare be referencing me with a fraud.”
“Imma throw down a facedown!”
The other boy began upgrading himself to increase his strength hopping to beat the shit out of him. Which in general isn’t a bad move, but he was going up the RedAvenger here, who’s special was being incredibly fast. Didn’t matter how strong you were, it wouldn’t mean anything unless you actually managed to hit him.
“Bitch hold still so I can hit yooou!!”
“Ch, like hell I well.”
It wasn’t like beating his opponent was all that easy for him either. No matter how many times he landed a hit on him, no matter how powerful, damn little prick kept healing himself. Like those bastards in pokemon with max potions…you know what I’m talking about.

“Aw, looks like the little lovers are having their first fight.”
Sasuke twitched.
“Itch- I mean, RavenBlood what the hell!!”
Both boys could hear the older man chuckle on the other line.
“You two have been at it for hours. Time to call it a night.”
The other boy on the line snorted.
“Why? You’re not the boss of me.”
“Oh really?”
Itachi’s character then activated one of his characters special moves causing them to be paralyzed and unable to move. He then drew his sword and slashed right through them. One move was all it took for both characters to fall.
“It’s 2:00 in the morning. Go to bed boys.”
“…” Sasuke twitched. Itachi was such a god damn prick.
“Like I care what time it is. I’ll take on anyone anytime!!”
Itachi sighed.
“Don’t make me disconnect you two.”
They could both hear a huff in the other line.

And with that Kitsune logged off. Sasuke soon followed the action as well before storming off and into Itachi’s room.
“Why the fuck do you HAVE to ruin my life?”
“Cause it’s fun.” Itachi chimed. “Speaking of fun, you seem to be having a lot of it lately with that boy.”
“So?” Sasuke crossed his arm.
“Sooo…have you met him?”
Sasuke was a bit taken aback.
“I-in real life?”
“Well, yeah.”
“I think you should.”
Again Sasuke twitched but for a different reason.
“Why not?”
“First off, there’s a reason it’s online. NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE. Second, I personally don’t want to. It might ruin our ‘gaming only’ relationship. Lastly, I don’t even know if he’s from around here.”
“You don’t?” Itachi was a bit shocked. Sasuke rolled his eyes.
“It’s not like we talk about our personal life. Heck that’s what online gamming is for. To escape reality.”
“Yeah well, even I have the ability to look up user profiles.”
“User what?”
Itachi then pulled his screen closer to Sasuke.
“Under the Character info page you get a link that sends you to the user profiles. See?” he then showed him the profile page for Kitsune. “Says here he’s a local.”
Sasuke leaned in close. He…he lives near by? Sasuke then snapped his eyes open and shock his head like a wet dog.
And with that left Itachi’s room. Itachi sighed. He knew the REAL reason Sasuke didn’t want to do it. Sasuke didn’t want to admit to the rest of the world that deep down inside…he was in fact a gamer. Not the complete emotionless bastard he claimed to be. Sasuke…needed REAL friends. Not the ones he pretended to give a shit about at school.
So yeah, here's my online gammer fan fiction attempt. Don't know wither it's gonna be a SasuNaru or a NaruSasu yet. Kitsune is Naruto and RedAdvenger is Sasuke. But they don't know who the other is...tell me what you think. I've already started like 6 short chapters but I still wanna know if it's still worth it or not. COMMENTS NEEDED!! many references did YOU get? XD

This AMAZING cover is from this link : [link]

By this AMAZING artest! :iconimmature-child02:

Go check out her gallery!! XD

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ReiSpirit's avatar
F-ing brilliant!